It’s National Book Lovers Day. I really wish I would have planned this out better. The day would be taken off of work and I’d be sitting in my chair that faces the window with all the sun…. just chillaxin with a new book.
Key words, new book. I LOVE reading. Although I start and stop books like there’s no tomorrow. Anyone else do that?! If I went through the house to gather all the half started books, there would be a stack to be ashamed of.
But I’m only going to gather up the latest 5 I am currently reading and list them here.
- The Time of my Life – Patrick Swayze & Lisa Niemi (My favorite Actor)
- Local Girl Missing – Claire Douglas
- 100 Days To Brave – Annie Downs
- The Bible – This may sound cheesy. But I really am. My pastor gives me chapters (books?) to read.
- The Silent Fountain – Victoria Fox (Bought this one for my flight to Italy)

What are you reading right now?! Let me know in the comments. I love new suggestions to add to the stack ❤️
I’ve found audio books to be such a blessing for me (and my kids)! When I can’t sit and read, I’ll simply listen to it while I’m working, driving, or taking care of household chores. It’s been a lifesaver!! The kids have gone through at least 12 audio books this summer and they love to sit and listen while playing with their legos. Our list:
(Kids) The Incorrigible children of Ashton Place Book 3
(Me) Dangerous Passage by Lisa Harris