Welcome back! I am so glad that you are here. We are fixing our concrete porch by tiling over it. Click here for Week 1 for the backstory and the design plan!
Did you think we’d be done already with this tile!? Me too.
We’ve just had enough of tiling for a minute. So we started putting together and staining the daybed swing.

I realized the ropes that came with the swing are too short. I would need to have a chain from the ceiling and then hook that to the rope. That just isn’t the look I’m going for. Amazon has CrossFit climbing ropes that each hold 500 pounds and have hooks built-in. They are coming in the mail next week.

We also had to stain the cedar post at the pass-through window. I loved the color of the cedar bare, but it needed to be protected. This is the same stain as the front porch posts.

Now I really need to start thinking about the decor and rugs. I’m thinking something in the color of jute, so it pops off the dark grey. Here are some I am looking at from Target.

Sooo. The current plan is to finish the tile work this week. Then start grout. I pray that will happen!
Coming in the mail are the string lights, rocking chairs for the fire pit, and the ropes for the swing. I cannot wait to show you what we’ve picked out!
Be sure to check out the other One Room Challenge participants here https://www.oneroomchallenge.com/blog/orcspring2021wk5